Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Introvert vs Extrovert = me

For some people who don't know I'm more of an introvert, meaning I rather spend my time on my own doingmy own things rather than going out with people. Some of you might say 'What???' Because I know I appear talkative, high, making lots of jokes and go crazywhen I'm around people. That's WHEN I'm around with people. This tells me one thing about myself is that I love spending time with myself but when I'm with people I'm an extrovert because I really enjoy the company of others and talking with them. I think as humans we need each other company at times, I think that is why only certain times I would be willing to go out. That said, I found my problem.....

I'm not willing to invest into people's lives and I find it draining and sometimes a waste of time. Furthermore from past experiences, I don't like being close to people in relationships, only the surface level, reason being is I'm afraid that I'll get hurt again if I do get close so I rather distance myself away so I choose who to share my deeper thoughts carefully.

I really thank God for making me the way I am but I know His chellenging me to get out of my comfort zone and start to 'hang out' and willing to sacrifice my time for others and be willing to invest in their lives. It was already hard enough when God challenged me to get out of my shell 4 years ago ,but I'm glad I did because of that I'm an extrovert in front of my friends =)

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender takes one look at it and asks: "So, why the long face?" HAHAHAHA


雪香 said...


thanks for the laugh! and... i feel the same of liking to spend time on my own doing my own thingie and basically the whole post hehe

Jason Lee said...

hehe thanks (whoever you are):)
yea I guess at times we need to some time on our own as well heh.