Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I knew I was going to get a breakthrough this week, but I was hoping for something like a new job but little did I know that breakthrough was about my my Spiritual Life.

The past three days were crappy, I was moody, partly because I was tired and sick of not getting a job despite me going everywhere and applying. I was angry with God, asking why did I have to suffer during those 3 days and where are my favor and blessings? Where was the Harvest he promised? Where was the job and so on.... It's as if His hedge and hands over me was gone. Did i suffer because of my sin or unavoidable disaster (God/satan?)

Yesterday's quiet time was one of the best quiet time I had for awhile and God prompted me to read Job. I did... and God opened my eyes and made me realized how selfish and how blinded I was. If I didn't get what I want, I would blame God, and think that God 'disowned' me. Job's faith in God really inspired me after losing 7000 sheeps, his family and his livestocks. First reaction I would get was to blame God and ask why!!! But Job, first reaction was to fell down to worship and said

"I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!”
and on the next verse it said
In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God
Wow I've been blaming God all this time and made me realized one thing.... My faith was based on rewards and prosperity, that is hollow. If those were taken away would I still worship God or would I blame Him and walk away? To be unshakable, faith must be built on the confidence that God's ultimate purpose will come to pass.
I told God..... no job, its ok, no blessings, its ok, I know theres plenty in the storehouse waiting to be open in your timing. I'll wait patiently and although I have nothing now... yet I will praise thee.


아이린 said...

jiayou elmo! =)

Lawrence said...

Its difficult to reach that stage. I doubt I could react this way, like what you did if I couldn't get a place in uni.. :(

Jason Lee said...

don't be discouraged law... tats why im sharing this to encourage everyone how God good is =)