Tuesday, August 01, 2006

things you should know

im having a break right now....... from studying accountings... yeah sucks i know. i failed my acc in INTI and i dont wanna do it again my *nightmare* is here *Shudders* lol. Pray that God will lead me thru this semester.. esp wif my accounting and having a part-time job now... pseaking of part-time job i got SCOLDED AGAIN!!!!!!!! not gonna tell why, cant be bothered BUT im gettin my pay tomorrow weeeeeeee =)) $$$$$$ MONEY MONEY$$$$

anyways im takin a break right now and just thought i mite bring up a topic... "THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW IN AUSTRALIA"

nutin much but its just something i noticed and experience for my half year here.. this if for y'all who is coming to study here or just wanna read whats so wierd bout australia.

1.) You'll be sent to jail for killing/mistreating ur pet e.g. leaving them in the car with the windows close
2.) FOOD here are salty, Aussies love salty food.... i ate twisties and damn it was salty... KFC CHICKEN SALTY???????? heck yeah
3.) PARTY! when some1 invites u for a party at their house... you bring food either for your own or to share wif other ppl
4.) coffee is a big thing here...ppl can have 1 hour+++ conversations with just one coffee
5.) from where I come from, food is VERY expensive........ Roti canai = AUS$ 9-10
6.) for chilli lovers, they dont have hot chillis, like in kfc mcdonalds, all they have is SWEET chilli... you got to buy the hot ones in asian groceries store
7.) you might or might not get sick of hearing 'hi how are you, hi how are you, hi how are you, hi how are you (x10) everyday'
8.) Finally... people are really really friendly here =)

God bless =p

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